Launch Pricing Ends In...
Microsoft Teams is Growing in Popularity...

Which Means Usage Is Increasing...

And Our Connect Effectively with Teams Videos Will Position You As The Expert...
Announcing A Powerful Training Product With YOU As the Creator That You Can Sell At 100% Profit
Sell To Small Business Owners and Solopreneurs To Give Them The Power to Collaborate With Anyone Anywhere
Microsoft Teams was long overdue. Because it uses the platforms that we're all familiar with Word, PowerPoint, One Note and Excel, the usage is growing with solopreneurs, business owners and office workers. And if any of your work connects with these people, expect to get asked..."Are you on Microsoft Teams"?
And in these times, its more likely than not that somebody that you or your customer is used to dealing with in person...will now be dealt with online only. Gone are the long meetings with paper pushed and folder carried. In are the days of collaboration in real time with voice, video and text.
Microsoft Teams is a flexible interface, but finding everything is a challenge. And figuring out how to get everything working isn't necessary all that obvious. But we've done the work of getting it in order for you. We made it so that you can just get all of basics out of the way and then start focusing on your projects.
Once you and your customers understand Teams, you will be able to plan and prepare your own projects as well as those you work with and work for.

You and Your Customers Can Become an Overnight Authority With Our Simple To Follow Training and Instruction

Be Steady When Everybody Else is Freaking Out
When you get a product to use or to sell, you want to sell it not just today, but a month from now...or even years from now. And we are definitely at the point where streaming video will be a part of every day life both now in the in the future.
Once they take the course, they'll see that it's something that...although technical is something that they definitely can do. They'll have it demonstrated to them step by step.
All that means for you is that once they get into the course and they see it working, they'll learn to trust and rely on you. They'll see that you can come up with the knowledge they need when they need it most.
So, it's a way for you to be a steady presence...when everybody is wondering what to do and how to do it. You actually have the answers. In a no-fluff way that respects their time.
You Can Position yourself with an Evergreen Course which is Perfect for Newbies AND Advanced Marketers...
Here's What You're Getting:

- 0000 - An Important Note Aboud Document Sharing In Teams
- 0001 - The Microsoft Teams Interface
- 0003 - Inviting Team Members
- 0005 - Conversations Inside of the Channel Inside of the Team
- 0007 - Using the Channel Wiki Within The Team
- 0009 - Conversational Elements of Microsoft Word
- 0011 - Add Microsoft PowerPoint To Teams - Part 1
- 0013 - Microsoft One Note
- 0015 - Microsoft Teams Document Sharing
- 0017 - Microsoft Teams Channel Settings
- 0019 - Add a Website Tab
- 0000 - Overview - Microsoft Teams
- 0002 - Attaching the Mobile Application to Your Account
- 0004 - Starting A Channel within a Team
- 0006 - Meet Now within a Channel Within Teams
- 0008 - Adding Microsoft Word
- 0010 - Adding Microsoft Excel
- 0012 - Adding PowerPoint To Teams - Part 2 - Other Considerations
- 0014 - Dictation
- 0016 - Microsoft Teams and One Drive
- 0018 - Channel Settings - Miscellaneous Top Level Changes
- 0020 - Conclusion
20 High Quality Mp3 Companion Audios |

Professional Sales and Thank You Page |

Lead Magnet Set Up Page |

Full Set of Professional Graphics and Banner Advertisements |

Full PLR Video Transcripts |

TWO PLR Set Up Training Webinars |
Ultimate PLR Set
Up Webinar

Ultimate PLR Profit
Opportunities Webinar

And For Fast Action Takers, We're Including
Limited Time Bonuses...
Interactive Video Checklist
Keeping Your Customer Engaged
Everything You Can Do With This Package (Rights Defined)
All You Can Do To Build
Value With Your Purchase
- CERTAINLY, You can and should use the course for your own business!
- You'll Make Out Like A Bandit If You Sell It in Dime Sale Events...Go For It!
- Be Adventurous...Change It Into a Physical Product and Sell It Offline or At a Seminar
- Take Charge, put your name on it as the author
- Don't's flexible, so you can change stuff to make it fit your individual business
- While you're at it, if you need to change it into a book, a long video or long audio; be my guest; they call that repurposing these days.
- I'm all for getting more money, so combine it with another product and sell it at a higher price
- Live that "affiliate lifestyle", use this product as a bonus for your affiliate offer (videos only)
- Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
- I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!
All That Will Devalue Your Purchase
- You Cannot Sell To Your Customer With Private Label Rights
- You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Giveaway Rights
- You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Master Resell Rights
- You Cannot Give the Entire Product Away with the Graphics
- You Cannot Place This on Your YouTube Channel Publicly (You can do so Unlisted)
- You Cannot Place This in a Free Membership Site
- You Cannot Place This Inside of a PLR Membership To Give Any Kind of Rights (You can give personal use rights)
- You Cannot Give the Graphics away when you use the product as a bonus (videos only)
- Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
- I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!