I am working to complete the videos today for our Thinkific Video PLR release on Monday…but I wanted to follow up on last night’s software demo with a second one today.
First, though, as a reminder, Linguascribe is closing out today. Ultimate Insiders, you will have this as part of your membership, as I will purchase it tonight to add to the software suite. I will send you an email when you request that we add you to the platform. However, you could still get it to add to your own Learning Center if you choose to get their agency license. Make sure to do it tonight before they move the pricing to monthly here:
Demo Two: Interactive Video
Today, I did a second video on how you’d use the Interactive Video tool. I also added a second demo to the page that you can watch and use the one I created. I will put the resources I’ll be adding to this over the course of the day. It will release with what I think is earlybird pricing Sunday morning at 10 AM. Here is the page of the first and second demo:
Course Platform Demo
I finally got off my virtual behind and did a demo of Courserios. What I will say is that, IF you’re going to use this as your learning center, you’ll need to:
1) Create one course with all of your courses
2) Charge people one time for access
3) Charge at the lifetime/annual price level
It’s the same model, slightly adjusted for you to use it with this tool. You’ll be hosting your videos, likely on S3 or Vimeo. They make it so that you can use YouTube, but I don’t think that would be wise to do. That said, you could set up an Unlisted video channel to do it. If I were doing it that way, the channel would be dedicated to that learning center and nothing else. Go here to see my walkthrough https://theplrshow.com/currentthree