Last night in our Ultimate Insider meeting, I had planned to cover Virtual Summit Monetization, but I ran out of time. I actually didn’t have to present because member questions took up the entire hour. And that’s what I prefer to do.
I’ve now uploaded that call, so that it’s searchable in the member area by keyword. For example, members can now go to the search bar and type in “virtual summit” and find all of the instances where I discussed this and watch from that point.
That’s a small part of being an Insider though.
Insiders also get:
1) 1 Full Funnel Every Month
2) All of my PLR Updates (Zoom is Next)
3) Priority Support (You’re at the front of the line)
4) One Monthly Q and A Call
And right now, a super cool addition (while licenses last):
1) Access to a Cloud Based Learning Center
2) Access to a Translation and Transcription Application
Both are available to you as long as you are a member. To sign up as an Insider, go here:
Tomorrow Night Live Training: “8 Ways to Monetize Your Summit”
Tomorrow, there is a PLR package being released on the subject of Virtual Summits. We will be giving you a different kind of additional resource.
We’re going to do a live presentation tomorrow night at 8 PM EST called, “8 Ways to Monetize Your Summit.” You’ll get access when you get the PLR being released at 9 AM EST tomorrow. Our message is already set to arrive to you tomorrow morning with a link for you to access here:
We Covered Some of This Before
We were for certain ahead of our time. We covered this before summits became a “thing.” It was always based on our personal experience and that is what makes this PLR evergreen. Make sure that you get this also:
Not In The Presentation: How to Mess Up Your Summit and Pull All Your Hair Out
When I did my last Summit, Microsoft, who was my product delivery host, thought it would be cool to throttle the downloads because of all of the traffic that they were getting from people that attended.
That, my friends…is your nightmare scenario.
Thankfully, my younger daughter Sydney was here and we recovered quickly. If I had it to do all over again, I’d make sure I had:
1) Back Up Video Hosting
2) Back Up Product Servers
Because you’re going to get a lot of traffic just because most of what you’ll be doing is free (unless you’re on the training I mentioned above tomorrow night). You can get back up video hosting here with these coupon codes:
Starter: kaptiwastartvip” for 67% OFF
Commerical: “kaptiwaprovip” for 67% OFF
You can get backup product hosting here: