There is a good use for all of the lead magnet videos you already have from us, even if they come from outdated PLR. You can put them inside of a player that allows you to give the viewer a choice. I did two demos recently of the platform that has been released today. Go here to see them before you get the platform:
You can go straight to the the app here:
Translation and Transcription App Purchased for Ultimate Insiders
I have purchased Linguascribe for use for Ultimate Insiders. Please contact me in support to set you up after our Thinkific Video PLR launch tomorrow. Tuesday is a good day. If you’re not yet an Ultimate Insider, you can sign up here. You’ll get our upcoming PLR video course on Thinkific, plus any remaining licenses of our software suite, including:
1.) CoachZippy
2.) WebinarLoop
3.) Vidscribe
4.) Academy Pro
And now Linguascribe
But only while the licenses last. Go here to get signed up:
Last Night’s Live Webinar and Q & A About Learning Center Platforms
Last night I tackled a question from Tommy about how to use the platforms he has available to him as an Ultimate Insider. It was a good question because he can use Academy Pro as a multi-course Learning Center, but he’d have to do a workaround:
1.) One course, segmented, with all of the PLR
2.) Each course presented separately
He could also use Courserios, even though this is not a part of the membership.
The exact same thing would apply to build a Learning Center. To execute the membership, you would have to manually boot people when they stopped paying. It’s a less manual process, but I ran a big membership when I first got started in IM. It’s not impossible to do and doesn’t happen every day. Get Courserious here: