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This Awesome Business In a Box Package Can Help You to Build Your Authority AND Profits
The level of quality and depth of content in your PLR products is excellent for the price, and well above what I expected. Would recommend them to anyone looking to get a good start at creating useful content for your clients and customers.
Mike Broadwell, Breakthrogh Factory
Announcing A Powerful Training Product With YOU As the Creator That You Can Sell At 100% Profit With UNRESTRICTED Private Label Rights
Teach Your Tribe How to Turn Their PLR Into A Marketing Tool
Sure, once you have a product you have something to sell. But how do you turn that product into repeat sales? How to you change it from a sales tool to a marketing tool?
But there are both technical and strategic elements that must be addressed. But, we've now got you covered. We're going to walk step by step through the process of rebranding that PLR content.
You and Your Customers Can Become an Overnight Authority With Our Simple To Follow Training and Instruction
LIVE Dynamic Content With An Experienced Instructor
We set out during our live sessions to help marketers with the technical details. So instead of the regular professional recorded video, we upped it one notch.
So you get to hear us answer the real life questions. You also get a logical walk through of the process, where your client will be taught not only what to do...but WHY to do it.
"Charles presents valuable information in a clear, easy to understand way...."
Jeremey Terrier
You Can Now Cash In On with an Over 3 Hour Evergreen Course which is Perfect for Newbies AND Advanced Marketers...
Here's What You're Getting:
- Theory
- Over the Shoulder
- Working with Your Video Editor
- Theory
- What To Accomplish
- Graphic PLR Files
- Working with Photoshop
- Theory
- What to Accomplish
- Document Files
- Presentation Files
- Theory
- Defining the Process
- What To Add To Your Copy
- Creating Copy for Training
4 High Quality Mp3 Companion Audios With |
Full Set of DIY Fully Customizable Professional Graphics |
Visual Over the Shoulder Cheat Sheets for Each Session |
TWO PLR Set Up Training Webinars |
Ultimate PLR Set
Up Webinar
Ultimate PLR Profit
Opportunities Webinar
And For Fast Action Takers, We're Including
Limited Time Bonuses...
Dual Set of Premium PowerPoint
Templates to Remake Your
Presentation Content
I have been on their list for over 3 years and he always puts out great info;paid or free it is all good.
Dale Cox
Bit Service Group
Okay Charles, This is a Great Deal..What All Can I Do With This Package?
- CERTAINLY, You can and should use the course for your own business!
- Be Adventurous...Change It Into a Physical Product and Sell It Offline or At a Seminar
- Take Charge, put your name on it as the author
- Don't's flexible, so you can change stuff to make it fit your individual business
- While you're at it, if you need to change it into a book, a long video or long audio; be my guest; they call that repurposing these days.
- I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!