Two members of our community asked me over the last couple of months how to restart if they were stuck or just frustrated with their efforts.  What does one do, if after all of their activity, they are no further ahead than they were 3 months ago. 

I answered both Kim and Lucinda the same, assuming that they have video PLR.  Assuming that you’re not necessarily looking to sell to the Zoo/W+ crowd, my answer is exactly as I laid it out here.  And I gave you PLR rights because I think you should be teaching it too:

My Answer…Basically 

1) Start talking to the market….a free podcast on something like Anchor.FM will do, or even a video channel. 
2) Invite these people to your list and to your weekly training. 
3) Start training people on a weekly basis by webinar, YouTube Live or Facebook Live. 
4) Host your video PLR and start making offers every training session. 
5) Write your list every day and make an offer every day.   
6) Set your offers up with the basic PLR on the front end and your Learning Center on the back end like a Netflix offer. 
7) Set up your advanced offer as a downsell. 

This is pretty much just as I laid it out in E-Learning Playbook here:

Mystery: Traffic Jumpstart 

The mystery is always how to get the right people interested–where do you find them? Most people default to Facebook and do what I call post and hope. But let’s be real. It’s super crowded and super noisy there. It’s possible, but I’ve only seen a small percentage of the people who have the energy to do it consistently. There are people then like my friend Dave that use LinkedIn, though, and he and I talked about what he’s doing here.  That’s one way that you can use that isn’t all that well worn:

Personal Note   

There are times when I really over think things when it comes to messaging.   I think I have been a bit coy about the nature of Francis’s PLR. Okay, let me come out and say…it’s about Forex. That doesn’t change anything.  I still don’t know much about it. But ironically, I’ve got an entire course that I can give you with Resell Rights that you can use with 21 videos and a PDF guide. So, in effect you’d have two courses and you could use them both to create something you unique.  Go here to get mine and his: 
