As I understand it, Spotify is trying to duke it out with iTunes in the podcast battle. Let them fight. As far as what you and I teach our customers, they need to be on both platforms.  And the PLR videos that we’ve just released will teach them how to use: 
1) A totally free platform
2) A platform that requires minimal to no equipment 

In fact, as a fast action bonus, we included: 
1) 20 Additional videos on iTunes
2) 20 Additional videos on Canva 

Both of which will help your customer to excel on Anchor/Spotify. Get the entire package here: 

The Other Way to Get the Package 

The other way to get the PLR videos is to become an Ultimate Insider.  Once you’re signed up, look inside of the August folder and it will be there for you. I did an information session about Insiders here: 

Or you can go straight to the page here: