Laurel’s grandmother used to have some really insightful sayings. She called her Ma-Ma (pronounced, “Mah-Mah”). You’d have to think about her sayings for a bit, and then they’d make sense to you later. 

While living, she talked about folks that had “arrangements” and not real business. I tell you, when it comes to us in IM…I get it. If you and I have to re-create the same effort for the same sale to the same customer month after month, year after year, we’re not working this like a business. We’re working it like an arrangement. It’s what I called in the orientation of the Hackathon “short money,” where our super hard effort has a really short effect. 

I taught in E-Learning Playbook that you need to create, build, brand and market a video Learning Center to generate your own continuity offer. But even though I taught for 3+ hours, I didn’t do much technical to build it out.  So, I’ve decided to do that in the Hackathon. We’re going to build it over the shoulder. Then, the replays will be available by keyword search so that you can research them and work through it to get your Learning Center built.  

I’ve also given you: 
1) 3 Additional PLR Video Courses
2) 3 Additional WordPress Funnel Plugins 

To help you to get this thing built and in place. Get started on the Hackathon here: 
