As promised yesterday, we added 40 videos to the PLR content that is being released today on the subject of Facebook traffic. Those videos come with Resell Rights. We’ve added 40 additional videos when you pick up the video version of the PLR. Those 40 are the advanced version of the videos we added to the basic/pdf version. Go here to get our videos and the PLR:
Or you can go straight to the page here:
Last Day for Alternative Learning Center Platform
Tonight is the last night that you can get the alternative Learning Center platform software that is available at the launch pricing. Remember, if you’re looking to create a paid Learning Center area, you are going to need to get:
-upgrade 1, which allows you to do unlisted videos or Vimeo, and
-upgrade 2, which allows you to create a paid area and boot people when they stop paying you.
If you’re teaching people how to build their Learning Center it will be a good idea to get the Agency License so that you’ll be able to offer your students access to the software. Interestingly, I think that you get licenses where you can offer both upgrade 1 and upgrade 2. So that is also something to keep in mind (you could offer yourself a license). Go here to get it:
Saturday: Opening Up Our Learning Center to You
On Saturday, our Learning Center will be open to you. That means that you’ll get searchable access to all of our video courses. If you want to know what I mean by searchable access, go here to see the the videos: