Today, I have added a search tool to the Ultimate Insider member area.  This means that if you want to search our monthly calls for a particular piece of information from the video, you can go to that exact place in the video. 

I have recorded the video on how this works.  By the end of this week, I’ll have the pages worked out so that it will be easy to access inside of the member area:

The Ultimate Insider Program 

If you’ve not signed up as an Insider, you can still do so.  What are you getting?

1) One Full Funnel Every Month

2) Access to Any of My Updates (Zoom is next)

3) One Monthly Q and A Call

4) Discounts on PLR not listed in the membership 

Plus, for this month and/or while I have licenses, you will get access to: 

1) A Cloud Based Learning Center to deliver your video courses

2) A Video Transcription Application to Transcribe and Translate your videos 

And this week, I am adding in a Searchable Training area for the Q and A Calls.  I will also be adding in training from our YouTube channel.  Go here to sign up:

Tiffany Lambert’s Written Content 

Today, Tiffany Lambert released a PLR package of written content that is good for this time that we’re in. It’s basically all about Work-Live Balance. If you have a blog where you’re teaching people about working from home, this will be good balance against the more technical things you teach them about IM. We’ve re-bundled a set of resources that you can use with it that we show you here: 

You can also go straight to the page here: 
