48 Hour Father's Day Special...

"Can You Really Make Success Happen In Business
AND Being A Dad?"

Watch the video now to hear about a special project with RARE and Candid Conversations with Successful Entrepreneurs in their lives as FATHERS

  • What do entrepreneurs think about jobs and education for their kids?
  • What guides successful entrepeneurs every day as Dads and Husbands?
  • What do Dads wish they could do if they had the chance to start over?

Eric Holmlund

Dwayne Golden

Francis Ochoco

Paul Counts

Justin Popovich

PLUS, an Exclusive Written Interview with
Best Selling Author and Speaker Ron Douglas

20 Educational Business
Building Audios

10 Cash Flow
Audio Articles

10 Business Systemization
Audio Articles

[Father's Day Special] Playing to Win - The Entrepreneur Dad