The thing that you”ll need to spell out to your customers is that even though you’re talking about Anchor when you have our video PLR, is that they’re basically going to have their podcast on Spotify. Here are some other things that you’ll want to tell them:
1) They will be able to use their mobile device, no fancy equipment needed.
2) The platform will be free for them to use. There are no costs for hosting or bandwidth.
Everything else they need to know, I have taught them how to do in the videos.
Thanks for being a loyal email subscriber. We appreciate hearing from you. Let us know if you ever have any questions.
Here are a few important things for you to know and keep to yourself if you like:
1) I’ve given you resell rights to a set of 20 personally created videos on Canva. This will help them to create the graphics they’ll need for each episode.
2) I’ve also given you resell rights to a set of 20 personally created videos on ITunes. This will help them to navigate iTunes once their podcast is approved. To get everything, go here: