I decided that I am going to add contextual screenshots to the advanced version of the course. What I like about them is that you can use them as handouts or in some cases, you can record other parts of the course in your voice.   I was going to have them outsourced, but I could tell that it would be hard for somebody else to determine what was important and what wasn’t if they didn’t actually record the course. That’s why the videos for the Etsy course took a little longer than I anticipated.  I may include these in future packages, I may not.  I thought they’d be pretty important for Etsy.    Make sure to let me know what you think when you get them. 

Presently, I most recently told you of a new release of business content for Influencers.  We put together resources to go with it.  Get them here: https://theplrshow.com/your-first-interview-show/thgrks If you want to go straight to the page and get the PLR directly, go here: https://theplrshow.com/your-first-interview-show/thgrksdir  

Ultimate Insiders Get the Etsy Videos Basic and Advanced 

Ultimate Insiders will get the Etsy Videos.  I want to warn you in case you’re looking to make a purchase. You’ll have access to the Basic and Advanced versions. Also, hopefully you got my questions to ask Bart in Advance of the call and you replied. If you’re not yet an Insider, I’ll be bringing it back online the first week of July.  So be on the lookout.   If you want to be notified ahead of time, you an make sure that you’re signed up here: https://theplrshow.com/your-first-interview-show/waitlist  

Tomorrow Night Francis’ PLR Videos End Launch Pricing 

I will go ahead and make sure to tell you now…because I never know how the night before a launch will go.  Wednesday is Etsy and tomorrow is Tuesday. So, just in case…make sure to use this as your reminder from me. You can gain access to my additional resources here: 
