The video Learning Center is ready for you to enter!
I have opened up a version for Ultimate Insiders this morning. As part of our Black Friday promotion, we will grant access to you so that we can bug test some of the features before we make the set pricing through the end of 2020. As of January 1, 2021, access will be at $197. You can get complimentary access as well as personal use access for all of our 2020 content and beyond by becoming an Ultimate Insider. To find out more, go here:
Video Center Playlist
I’ve not yet settled on what to call the Learning Center…I am thinking of keeping it simple at Harper Academy. That said, there are now 4 videos inside showing you how to use the Center. I’ve been posting them to YouTube and I’ll be adding them to the group on a daily basis. Go here to see the playlist on our site:
Go here to watch the YouTube Playlist
Coming Up This Week and Next
This week we’ll have a Black Friday offer for you similar to our 4th of July offer. Basically, we’ll be putting together many of the bonuses that we’ve used this year. And as I said above, we’ll have Black Friday pricing on our Learning Center available also.
This week, we will complete our YouTube Live to deliver to Ultimate Insiders and immediately begin working on Thinkific. YouTube Live PLR will be available to the public and PLR Show Community at large.
Stay tuned for more details.