There were questions in my inbox today about our most recent Video PLR, Sales Funnel Playbook. I will take a few minutes to answer them here.
Q. If I am an Ultimate Insider, do I get this?
Yes, you will get both the basic and advanced versions of the course as part of the membership.
Q. Is this different than when you did it in 2017?
Yes…much different. The one I did in 2017 incorporated a little theory into a mostly “practice” product. In the 2020 version, that little bit of theory has been translated into actual practice. And walks the customer through the set up. (You should be using training as your set up and then sell the technical side.) There were 16 videos in the earlier version of the course…this one is an entire hour and 20 videos. It’s an entirely different focus.
R. who is part of our Insider community, said,
“This is a really good course Charles! Really good. Some real gold in there! “
We think so too. 🙂
Get it here:
We Still Have a Cool Video PLR Bonus With the Zoom PLR
I did not take down our Zoom PLR Bonus when we started our release. It is still available. We’ve put together 20 videos for the front end and 20 videos for the back end. Go here to get it:

PS: The best way to get the Sales Funnel Playbook course is to become an Ultimate Insider. Go here to see what we’re doing: