The thing about Black Friday is that if you do it right, you can get what you need to build for the coming year. If you’re not careful though, you’ll stockpile. The amazing thing about stockpiles is that they rarely get used, even though they’re always a great deal and cheaply acquired.
So, I am going to say that if building is important to you…the FIRST thing to do would be to become an Ultimate Insider. The kind of training that we’ll be doing this year will be:
1) Inviting you to our local Meetup
2) Giving you all of the materials I use in those trainings to use as your own
So, while I won’t be telling you what to do, I’ll be giving you what I use. And you don’t even have to attend my trainings to get them. That’s only one part of everything we’re doing, go here to get the details:
Learn On Your Own
We took all of our content and put it in one place for you to stream at your own convenience. This is our Learning Center. And then, we added some content to it and gave you Unlimited Rights. As of Tuesday though, we will be removing the Unlimited Rights content and raising the price on the Learning Center to $47. Get it here today:
Do You Want to Be Shown What to Do?
I’ve thought about the fact that I wouldn’t want to tell you to get something with someone else’s training. Especially since they may not embrace the Learning Center model. But I recognize that you may want to do something in the MMO (Zoo/W+) space. If that it the case, I could live with telling you that, with my bonus of giving you an hour of personal coaching + the presentation that I’m going to give you, you’ll be in a good position for 2021. Go here to get my package:
Two Cool PLR Offers From Tiffany and Francis
While we are in the holiday season, I am going to recommend that you check this changing link every so often. When Tiffany releases something new, she’s agreed to let me know so that I can swap out the link. Today, she has added in something on the subject of FBA. Laurel and I have committed this year to get our arms around the subject if but for no other reason than to teach it. Certainly, people will get to be serious about this as the plague progresses. Go here: