Since the closing up of Webinarloop, I’ve been working behind the scenes on a few things that are coming up. But I thought this would be a good time to give you a picture of what Laurel and I are doing in terms of the videos we create for you. Read all the way through so that you’ll get a sense for where everything fits.
Regarding Updates to Older Products with PLR Experts
First, you may have come to know me thought PLR Experts, a partnership that I used to do with Jonathan. We are no longer working together on video PLR and haven’t done so since the beginning of this year.
That means that when you make a purchase on Thrivecart, I am unable to support you.
If you make a purchase of PLR Experts products on Warrior Plus I can and will enthusiastically support you. The 108 video PLR products created there were done in 2018 and 2019. I have a schedule to update them through The PLR Show brand over the next two years in addition to creating brand new titles. I’ll also be updating all of my legacy titles such as The PLR Playbook, Print on Demand Playbook and Strategic Marketing Playbook.
Understanding the Business Model for Technical PLR Videos
Second, we have a suggested success path for video PLR users. If you don’t have a business model that you’re using and you’re trying to figure things out, I suggest that you purchase and go through E-Learning Playbook. Even if you choose to tweak the business model to fit what you do, it will be worth your time to consider. Because the product is live and PLR itself with our personal references, you can use it to teach your customers once you’ve gone through it. Get E-Learning Playbook here:
Execute the Success Path for PLR Videos – Join Ultimate Insiders
Third, to execute the success plan and use the video PLR we create, we have a monthly program that we call Ultimate Insiders. This gives you access to at least one full funnel of content every month (for August is Anchor Podcasting which we are finishing now). But many other tools that you can use to build and market the business model in E-Learning Playbook. We will be re-opening Ultimate Insider on September 2nd, God willing.
The PLR Show Learning Center: Name TBD – Open to the Public on September 8
Fourth, we’re now moving all of the video content we’ve ever created into one place including strategy training, technical training, sales videos, affiliate promotions and making it all searchable. That means that if you ever wanted to write a sales video and you wanted to search for one to see how you can do it…you’ll be able to do that in our database. You’ll get the opportunity to purchase access to it early on September 8th, but the entire database will be completed by September 30th. Or you can become an Ultimate Insider and you’ll get it by default as part of your membership.
Teaching the Success Path: Step One Complete – Workshop Revolution is Next
Fifth, we have begun the process of teaching the success path we told you about with video PLR. We started by teaching you the theory in E-Learning Playbook. Next we recently completed the Hackathon where we actually laid out the technical process of building the Learning Center. Coming up next is the step in establishing your credibility, which is Workshop Revolution. You’ll be able to sign up in September–or you can become an Insider and get this with your membership. You can get the entire Hackathon here:
This Evening’s Newsletter
Tonight, I will take some time to give you some insight on who we are. I do this once or twice every couple of years, but I think it’s good and healthy for you to know who is serving you. (My friends here in Central PA used to think I was a cyborg or composite personality.) So, look for me here at about 6:45 PM EST.
Finally: The Local Laboratory
If you have followed our content for years, you know I have been quite obsessed with making a local workshop happen to sell our PLR content. This is not about being a local or offline consultant for me personally (although it helps me to serve consultants). I had it going in 2017 along with a local radio show/podcast, then gave it up to produce content with PLR Experts. And now that I am a “free agent” so to speak, I am using it as a Laboratory to make sure:
1) Our titles are relevant, and
2) Our success path is proven
We do discuss this in our Niche Occupation series that we do in our group as well as on YouTube. Go here to see the series:
See you later tonight!