Yesterday, I told you about a cloud based page builder you can use with your PLR HMTL sales pages.  It’s not a WordPress builder and you won’t have to pay for it monthly. And yes, it does more than that…But the rule is that you never rely on all features that an application offers. 

Can you do membership pages with CloudFunnels? Yes. Should you do your membership on CloudFunnels? If you are building a Learning Center (which you should be), the answer is no. You should be using a platform like the cloud based system that all Ultimate Insiders get to deliver your learning content. So pages, yes.  Membership, no. Go see my demo here that shows you how to work with your imported PLR sales pages into CloudFunnels here:

The Learning Center Funnel 

Once you have the concept that I explained in E-Learning Playbook down, you can then start to alter it to fit your needs.  But having lots of video PLR plays perfectly into the strategy as long as you can get your pages up quickly. Because, you need to add your own bonuses and extras to any HTML sales page to differentiate it and make it exciting enough for people to want to buy it. 

The problem is that it takes time to do with HTML.  If it didn’t you’d have more of those offers up.  In fact, you’d have them all up. So, think about this… You take the Zoom offer, you quickly put it in CloudFunnels, you add in your bonuses and extras using the Drag and Drop editor.  You set up your funnel as I laid it out for you yesterday:
Front End = Zoom Basic  
Upsell One = Your Learning Center Offer 
Downsell One = Zoom Advanced (If they refuse your Learning Center monthly offer) 

And every time you get a new PLR offer, you get it up quickly because getting people to buy the individual title is an intermediate goal.   The point of the offer is finding your ideal customer to get them into continuity. This is why you spend so much time adding your bonuses to the PLR.  You want to find people that you resonate with. 

CloudFunnels allows you to take the PLR sales pages, put them into a drag and drop system so that you CAN then add in your bonuses…to attract the right people that you can get into continuity. Sounds complicated, but if it’s easy to copy you, you will spend every day looking over your shoulder at the competition when you should be focused on your subscribers.  Go here to get the page platform:

Ultimate Insiders Meeting Monday 

Monday will be our May Q and A.  You should have been automatically signed up for the call through GoToWebinar. If you’re not, and you’re an Insider, please let either Laurel or I know. 

We will talk about the Learning Center formula and Success Path on Monday, as well as Microsoft Teams, which is your next title. For the first time, it’s likely that you’ll have access to my next Full Funnel Title (Microsoft Teams) before I launch it.   I have really always wanted to do things this way for the people that are with us monthly.   We’ll talk about that and more, as well as my calendar for the rest of 2020. If you’re not yet an Insider, go here to get started: 
