Today, I am giving you access to a video to use in your business on an aspect of Zoom. But I need to do a little housekeeping first.
Creator Bonuses Added to Video Hosting Platform
The creator has added a slew of software resources to give to you on our behalf. He will deliver them to you inside of the platform area. That is on top of those that we are putting together which I have shown you. The price does go up at noon today and as of right now, you can use the code “1off.”
The way you’d use these is basically for the embed code to put inside of your learning center. There is one aspect that stands out, and that is that you have a clickable link in the player itself, which is pretty clever. I am trying to find the time to do a demo so you can see how you’d use it. That said, go here to see ours plus the creator resources:
Or just skip that and go straight to the page:
Get Downloadable Access to a Zoom PLR Video
Today, I am giving you access to a Zoom PLR Video. I uploaded the video to my training channel so that you can view it there. The video is about the camera starting process and the options you have when you enter the room. I have said to a number of people that I could do 200 videos on Zoom and not have covered everything. So this update, as big as it will be, will make a dent, but may require even more updates in the future. But this one will be substantial. The video will stream live into the group as well as on our live page here:
Tonight’s Ultimate Insider Monthly Q and A
Tonight will be the Ultimate Insider Monthly call. If you have specific questions or issues that you’d like for us to cover, please feel free to reply to this email and let us know. I will be going over some logistics for the group, and then we’ll cover a topic that I think is relevant, if time permits. The bulk of the call, though, is for you. I’d certainly rather not teach but review things that you can do in your online business. The call starts at 7pm and you were automatically placed on GoToWebinar by W+, but it’s possible that you may not have made it. I have placed the link on the Member Page. If you’re looking for a place to bounce your ideas before they go live, sometimes that’s just as valuable as the content we provide. Go here to get in for this month:
Personal Note
I am notoriously hard to catch up with on Facebook and messaging systems. You can blame that on Dan Kennedy. Since going through his training I try not to turn these things on. They seem to suck you in, and if you let them, they will divert your focus. And I’m not yet disciplined enough to go in there for X minutes and get out. Honestly, my days have to be spent either learning technology or creating videos. And if I’m not doing that, I have to be marketing or taking care of the Ultimate Insiders. The absolute easiest way to get me is by email to our Support. There, I am typically 24 hours in my response to you. If you are an Ultimate Insider, just put “Ultimate Insider” in the subject line and you get priority. As you know, I put you at the front of the line.