There is a point to what we’re doing when we create and promote PLR.  We want you to be able–whether you choose the MMO market or not–to have content to keep people coming back to you month after month and paying you. 

That’s why we choose the tools we choose to promote as well as the content.  We’re asking the question…will this help you to build out your learning center, get and keep people paying you monthly. Remember, with a learning center, it’s not about redoing videos.  It’s about building and re-doing your member/classroom area.  

Example One: (Expiring Tonight) Work at Home PLR with Our Videos 

For example, sure it’s not our PLR, but we’re giving you videos of ours to put in your member area.  This is content that I think you can use to attract people to your learning center or put it inside. Get it here before the launch pricing expires today:  

Example Two: Get Monthly Content and Tools To Build Your Learning Center 

We provide our videos on a monthly basis to people who want evergreen content and reliable training for their learning center.  As you know, yes…we do hot topics and yes, we do in-demand subjects. But we’re not into “Get Rich Quick” stuff.  And we don’t even pretend like we are.  So, for our Ultimate Insiders, we provide: 
1) One full funnel every month
2) PLR video course updates
3) One Q and A call monthly
4) Priority “Ask Me Anything” support
5) 15 minute onboarding call
6) 15 minute promotional interview 

And as of right now, we have some special bonuses (while licenses last) 
1) Access to your own Cloud based learning center 
2) Access to a translation and transcription desktop application 

If you’re serious about building out a learning center for business people, get signed up here:  

Example Three: Live PLR Content  

We have created Live PLR Content where we have done live sessions and then removed all personal references. Typically when we do this we will do unrestricted PLR rights and that was the case earlier this year when we did the 30 Day Video Reseller Challenge. This is 30 short lessons that you can use to teach video marketing in a challenge format live.  It’s content marketing and production in one package. Get it here:  

Example Four: E-Learning Playbook The Guiding Principle 

I actually think that you should not only be doing your learning center but teaching it.  This is why it comes with resell rights. The pandemic has only further solidified the “why” around this. Do you have a guiding principle–a “North Star”–for your IM journey? You do, you just don’t know you do. 

And what you’re ultimately doing is wanting to create a consistent smoothed out, dependable income. To do that, you need to consistently provide 10X the value of what people are paying you monthly.  E-Learning Playbook teaches this. And once you get it, go and teach likewise: 

Personal Note   

There is a line at the end of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises where the future Robin is leaving the police force.  Commissioner Gordon asks him to reconsider, but he says no. He talks about his reasoning that “structures are shackles.” 

There is a little bit of that in all of us. And it is that part of us that is the thing that we have to find a way to add into our products, services and, yes, even the PLR that you are redoing. 

It should be what you add into your learning center because THAT is the reason that people will come to yours and not mine. Do you really think that people will be fiercely loyal to you because you taught them Facebook Ads? No, it will be that part of you that breaks the mold. 

You add that, inside of your video learning center with reliable content–like our videos–and you will have what you need to be confident about asking people to pay you monthly. And you won’t hesitate to ask, because deep down you’ll know it’s more than worth it. 
