Last night, I detailed all that you have available to you as an Ultimate Insider. But I forgot three (3) important things:
1.) You can write in to Support for more than just tech or logistical issues. You introduce your business issue to me and I’ll see what I can do with it. Sometimes, I can hook you up with another Insider or a friend. Sometimes, I can tell you about a mistake I made and one you can avoid. So, you can write in to ask Laurel and/or I whatever you want at anytime.
2) Also, anytime that I do an update to an older title and that occurs in the same month as your regular title, you’ll get that one, too. In other words, yes, there are going to be some months where you get more than one PLR funnel.
3) I also neglected to mention that for our monthly coaching at $525, you will get the discounted rate of $393 for (4) 30-minute recorded sessions as an Insider. Now, I did explain EVERYTHING else thoroughly last night, including:
1) Upgraded access to my video Learning Center on Teachable
2) Access (licenses permitting) to our Insider Software Suite
3) A 15-minute personal onboarding call
4) Materials from my local workshop to use for YOUR workshops
5) Launch pricing on all content regardless of when you see it
6) Discounts on any launch not included in the membership
That plus everything else I said that you’re getting in last night’s newsletter here:
I Forgot To Replace the Link in Kevin’s New Checklist
I actually meant to replace the link inside of my mention of Kevin’s new checklist. Andrea wrote me today to tell me (thanks, Andrea!). Again, remember what I will do is to add in our over-the-shoulder videos on the subject of iTunes. Go here (correct link this time) to get it:
Our Learning Center Will be Moving
As you know, the access that I gave you as a marketer to our Learning Center was so that you can see what I am offering in local workshops. This week, I will be switching domains. I will be moving the entire Learning Center to So, in about two days, you won’t see the Learning Center going to Xtremebusinessmakeover anymore. You will be able to login just as you have always done by going to Teachable, or soon to If you don’t yet have access to the Learning Center, you can still get it here before the promised second price increase: