Today, we are releasing the Creating a Video Membership video course to the PLR Show community. It has already been added to the Ultimate Insider Membership to the December 2020 Folder. The course includes a 24th video which you can use as a lead magnet for the course. The full course is one hour and 20 minutes long.
If you need help setting it up, I’ve given you direct access inside to our (new) free 5 course PLR Training Academy. This will give you everything you need in order to set up this or any PLR. The course covers how to set up a video membership. Everything from naming and uploading videos to connecting content with Zapier.
Based on your feedback, I have included slide presentations of the content, in addition to the machine transcriptions to 97%. I have hired out the clean up process for 100% accuracy. You can use this as an addition to E-Learning Playbook or as a stand alone video course. Go here to get the new content: