As I revealed yesterday, I recorded 8 additional over-the-shoulder instructional tutorial style PLR videos on the subject of Facebook Live to compliment the package being released by Sajan this morning. The videos and the companion audios are available in the the checkout area. The reason I did these videos was because, in looking at Sajan and Justin’s video course, I didn’t see the technical part of Facebook Live covered. So my videos will help you to teach your customers this also. I revealed one of the videos as a sample (video 5)…go here to see it then get Sajan’s package and our videos:
Or, if you’ve already seen the video go straight to the page to get the PLR here:
P.S. I am working on the Clubhouse PLR videos this weekend and I’m pretty sure that they will be ready to release to Ultimate Insiders on Monday (as part of your membership) and to The PLR Show Community on Tuesday.