As you know, I will be using my PLR content to offer my own Learning Center to my local area Meetup under my locally based Harper Academy brand.   Ultimate Insiders will have their own version of this as part of the membership. 

But I will also offer a limited number of beta spots this week while outsourcers are uploading videos to complete it. The pricing as of January 1st will be $197; however, I will open this up for feedback and testing this week at a special price. If you see the offer on my Social media timelines, (FB, Twitter, IG or LinkedIn) that messaging is for the Meetup community more than it is for you, the PLR Show community.  

To get access to anything that you see Laurel and I doing on the socials, you should be checking the FB group, our site, or our daily newsletter to get the most relevant content and pricing…instead of our other social media.  (Basically nothing changes…just pay more attention to the channels that you’re used to instead of new channels you see me using…they are to build my local list). 

Stay tuned for beta access to the Harper Academy offer. This is a very good option for you if: 
1) You’d like to learn from any of my tutorial content and not use it as PLR 
2) You’re not an Ultimate Insider since you get it as part of your membership .

I just did a video on how to access the courses within Harper Academy here:

You can also click here to view the content on YouTube

Next Two Titles + Black Friday? 

In terms of recording, I will be giving Insiders access to: 
1) YouTube Live
2) Thinkific 

And I will have an early version of the Black Friday sale likely this week.  Stay tuned to get more details.